At Three Peaks Primary Academy, are pupils are immersed in a curriculum that is broad, balanced and rigorous. Our teaching staff are committed to an innovative and reflective approach to teaching, which provides challenge for all and enables every individual to be a successful learner.
All schools have their own unique identity and we believe that at Three Peaks Primary Academy, we have created a friendly, caring and supportive environment that encourages all pupils to fulfil their true potential. We take pride in the fact that our children are nurtured in a safe, enjoyable and respectful learning environment
We want children to be able to articulate themselves, be good readers and writers and be able to carry out mathematical calculations. For this reason, these areas of learning underpin all that we do at the school. The greater part of the curriculum time is spent on ensuring that these are taught to the pupils.
Our curriculum, is designed in accordance with the National Curriculum and is a way for the staff at Three Peaks to deliver a thorough, in-depth and engaging curriculum for our children. We recognise that long term learning requires experiences which are based on Creative Education Trust’s six key concepts : structure, pattern, meaning, performance, human interaction and practice.
We recognise that learning does not only take place in the classroom and we regularly share learning expectations with parents and carers. Topic homework is set to support and extend learning, and explore areas of interests. School trips and experience days are planned to further children’s experiences.
Long Term Overviews for each subject can be found under the subject specific headings on the relevant pages.
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
If you wish to find out any further information that you are unable to locate in the subject areas please contact your child’s class teacher via the year group email addresses:
Year 1:
Year 2:
Year 3:
Year 4:
Year 5:
Year 6:
Curriculum documents are available in hard copy on request.